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B - A = Barozzi, G. C. - Antognini, P. : Matematica & Mathematica.
Zanichelli Editore, Bologna 1995
BG = Baring-Gould, William Stuart : The Lure of the Limerick:
An Uninhibited History. C. N. Potter, New York [1967]
(New ed.: Gramercy Books, Avenel, N.J. 1996)
Barel = Barel, Z. : A Mnemonic for e.
Mathematics Magazine 68(1995) 253
Battus = Battus (pseud. van Hugo Brandt Corstius):
Opperlandse taal- & letterkunde. Querido, Amsterdam 1981
Beckmann = Beckmann, Petr : A History of Pi. [3rd edition]
St. Martin's Press, New York [1974]
Beutel = Beutel, E. : Die Quadratur des Kreises.
Tübner, Leipzig 1951
(1st ed. : Leipzing 1913)
Boll = Boll, Marcel : Le mystère des nombres et des formes.
Librairie Larousse, Paris 1941
Boskovic (Astronomical Calendar, Croatia)
Browne, Malcolm W. : Mathematicians Turn to Prose in an Effort to
Remember Pi. The New York Times, July 5, 1988.
( "... repeats those already in the Mathematics Magazine by
Dario Castellanos." Ivars Peterson)
Campan = Campan, Florica T. : Povestea numarului Pi
(= The story of the number Pi). Bucharest 1977
Caro = Caro, V. E. : Los N√∫meros. Bogot√° 1937
Castellanos = Castellanos, Dario : The Ubiquitous π.
Mathematics Magazine 61(1988) 67 - 98, 148 - 163
(Section 11: Mnemonic Devices for π. 152 - 153)
Crypton = Dr. Crypton and his problems : Mind Benders from
Science Digest. By Dr. Crypton (= Paul Hoffman).
St. Martin's Press. New York [1981]
D - W = Dalle, Antoine - de Waele, C.: Cours de Geométrie a l'usage
de l'Enseignement moyen et de l'Enseignement normal. Geométrie
Plane et éléments de Topographie.
Dixième édition. Maison d'Editions AD. Wesmael-Charlier, Namur 1930
D - D - W = Dalle, Antoine - David, Georges - de Waele, C.:
Cours de Geométrie. Geométrie Plane et éléments de Topographie.
31éme édition. La Procure, Namur 1967
Davis = Davis, Donald M. : The Nature and Power of Mathematics.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey 1993.
Dewdney I = Dewdney, A.K. : Computer Recreations.
Scientific American, July 1985
Dewdney II = Dewdney, A.K. : Computer Recreations.
Scientific American, October 1985
Dewdney (de) = Dewdney, A.K. : Wie man Pi erschiesst.
In : Sonderheft Spektrum der Wissenschaft "Computer-Kurzweil".
Heidelberg, Spektrum Verlag 1987, pp. 50 - 56
Duarte = Duarte, F. J. : Monografia sobre los números π y e.
Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales,
Caracas, Año XIV, v. XI, June-December, 1948.
(Section XIII: pi y la mnemonica, pp. 145 -147)
Enc. Ital. = Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.
Vol. XXII [entry: Memoria (mnemotecnica)]
Eves = Eves, Howard : An Introduction to the History of Mathematics.
With cultural connections by Jamie H. Eves.
Sixth Edition. The Saunders Series. Printed in the United States of America 1990
Fomenko = Fomenko, Anatolii : Mathematical Impressions.
The American Mathematical Society 1990
Gardner I = Gardner, Martin : Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions.
Penguin Books.
(Memorizing Numbers: pp. 92 - 98)
(1st ed.: The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles
and Diversions. New York, Simon and Schuster 1959)
Gardner II = Gardner, Martin : Further Mathematical Diversions.
Penguin Books.
(The Trancendental Number e: pp. 34 - 42)
(1st ed.: The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical
Diversions. Chicago, Chicago University Press 1991)
Ghersi = Ghersi, Italo : Matematica Dilettevole e Curiosa.
3. ed. Hoepli, Milano 1929
(4. ed. con un'appendice del dott. ing. R. Leonardi.
U. Hoepli, Milano 1972)
H - H = v. Hanxleden, E. - Hentze, R.: Lehrbuch der Mathematik für
höhere Lehranstalten, Mittelstufe: Geometrie, Friedr. Vieweg &
Sohn, Braunschweig 1948
Hull = Hull, Gordon Ferrie : An Elementary Survey of Modern Physics.
The MacMillan Company. New York 1936
Humez = Humez, Alexander & Nicholas : Alpha to Omega.
The Life & Times of the Greek Alphabet.
David R. Godine - Publisher.
Boston - London 1981 (2nd ed. 1983)
Ifrah = Ifrah, Georges : Histoire Universelle des Chiffres.
Editions Robert Laffont, Paris 1994
Jedinak = Jedinak, D. : K otazke motivacie a popularizacie pri
vycovani matematiky. Slovenske Pedagogicke Nakladatelstvo.
Bratislava 1979
Jedin\'ak, D. : K ot\'azke motiv\'acie a populariz\'acie pri
vyu\v{c}ovan\'{\i} matematiky. Slovensk\'e Pedagogick\'e
Nakladate\v{l}stvo. Bratislava 1979
Jelenski = Jelenski, Sz. : Sladami Pitagorasa
(= Following Pythagoras) PWN, 1974
(Mnemonics pp. 232-235)
(1st ed.: Sladami Pitagorasa. Rozrywki Matematyczne.
Warszawa Panstw.Zakl.Wydaw.SZK 1956)
Keith I = Keith, Michael : Mathematics from Mars.
The Journal of Recreational Mathematics 8 (3), 1975 - 76, 226 - 228
Keith II = Keith, Michael : Circle Digits : A Self-Referential Story.
The Mathematical Intellingencer 8(1986) 56 - 57
Lietzmann = Lietzmann, Walter : Lustiges und Merkwürdiges von Zahlen und
Formen. Beispiele aus der Unterhaltungsmathematik.
Breslau, F. Hirt 1922
(8., durchgesehene Auflage. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1955)
Math. Magpie = Fadiman, Clifton (ed.) : The Mathematical Magpie :
Being More Stories, Mainly Transcendental, Plus Subsets of
Essays, Rhymes, Music, Anecdotes, Epigrams, and Other Prime
Oddments and Diversions, Rational or Irrational, all derived from
the Infinite Domain of Mathematics.
Simon and Schuster, New York 1962
(Reprint : New York, Fireside (Simon and Schuster) 1981)
ME = Matem√°tica Elemental (: Spanish periodical)
Merrill = Merrill, Helen Abbot : Mathematical Excursions.
Side Trips along Paths not generally traveled in Elementary
Courses in Mathematics.
Norwood, Mass. Printed By The Norwood Press 1933
(Republ: Dover Publications, Inc. New York 1957)
M - H - H = Miller,Charles D. - Heeren,Vern E. - Hornsby,Jr.,E. John :
Mathematical Ideas. Seventh Edition. HarperCollins College Publishers.
New York 1994
Morgan = Morgan, Robert : Pi
Poetry [Published by the Modern Poetry Association, Chicago].
Vol. CLXI, #5 (Jan., 1993), p. 204.
Moritz = Moritz, Robert Eduard : Memorabilia Mathematica.
The Philomath's Quotation Book. The Mathematical Association of
America, Printed in the United States of America [1993]
(1st. ed.: 1914)
Murthy = Murthy, Bhanu : A Modern Introduction to Ancient Indian
Mathematics. Eastern Wiley, New Delhi, Bangalore 1992
NCM = Nouvelle Correspondence Mathématique. Bruxelles
Ostrowski = Ostrowski, Alexander : Vorlesungen über Differential
- und Integralrechnung I. Birhaeuser, Basel 1952
P. Ar. = Numéro spécial π (mai 1980)
Supplément au "Petit Archimède", n° 64-65.
Paris, Librairie Scientifique et Technique Albert Blanchard, 1980
(Section: Moyen mnémotechniques, pp. 272 - 277)
Rösch = Rösch, S. : Rund um die Zahl Pi.
Das Neue Universum. Vol. 93, pp. 356 - 361
Südwest Verlag. München 1976
Schneider = Schneider, Erich : Mathematik- ernst und heiter.
Humboldt Taschenbuch. Gebrüder Wei\s Verlag. Berlin 1968
Scott = Scott, P R : Discovering the Mysterious Numbers.
Cheshire Publishing Pty Ltd. Melbourne, Australia, 1974
(Section : (Pi)oetry & (Pi)rose)
Sedvic = Sevdic, Milenko (ed.) : Matematicka Citanka
[= Mathematical Readingbook].
Nakladni zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb l947
Shipley = Shipley, Joseph Twadell : Playing with Words.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1960]
(Rep.: Pocket Books 1966)
Struik = Struik, D. J. : Tellen: zonder en met cijfers.
(= Counting: without and with digits)
Torusreeks-6, Wolters-Noordhoff Publ., Groningen 1971
Szurek = Szurek, Michal : Opowiesci Matematyczne
(= Mathematical Stories)
Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1987
Tietze = Tietze, Heinrich : Gelöste und Ungelöste Mathematische
Probleme aus Alter und Neuer Zeit.
Vierzehn Vorlesungen für Laien und für Freunde der Mathematik.
C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchandlung. München [3rd. ed. 1964]
Tietze (nl) = Tietze, Heinrich : Opgeloste en niet Opgeloste Problemen
uit de Wiskunde. Vertaald uit het Duits door Br. Protasius-Straver.
Ned. bew. door B. Ernst. Thieme, Zutphen, 1961
(Translation and adaption of:
Tietze, Heinrich : Gelöste und ungelöste Mathematische Probleme.
Adapted by Bruno Ernst)
Tocquet = Tocquet, Robert : Le calcul mental à la portée de tous.
Tocquet (nl) = Tocquet, Robert : Toveren met getallen (= Magic with numbers).
Vert. [uit het Frans] door J. J. P. Boezeman.
Prisma-Boeken, Utrecht 1962
Tseng = Tseng, Xian-li : The surprisingly rapid way of memorizing.
(In Chinese). Di-Ton Publisher, 1990
ISBN 957-9219-22-2
Vidal I = Vidal, Rafael Rodríguez : Diversiones Matemáticas.
Ed. Reverté. Barcelona 1983
ISBN 84 291 5134 6
Vidal II = Vidal, Rafael Rodríguez : Emjambre Matemático.
Ed. Reverté. Barcelona 1988
ISBN 84 291 5410 8
GenikÓ Pagkøsmioq |Egkyklopaideºa Påpyroq - Laro¥q.
|Au∂nai. Tømoq 10oq, s. 922
Kantakºdhq :
|Antvnºoy |A. Kantakºdoy, t™vq kauhghto† to† ®n UessalºQ Didaskaleºoy.
- GevmetrikÅ Stereå. |Anåptyjiq t©n Gevmetrik©n Stere©n
kaÁ KataskeyÓ aªt©n ®pÁ xårtoy.
MetÅ 137 sxhmåtvn ®n tˆ keim™nÛ
kaÁ CIII pinåkvn t©n Ωnaptygmåtvn t©n Stere©n. |En |Au¸naiq 1916
- GevmetrikÅ Stereå. |Anåptyjiq t©n Gevmetrik©n Stere©n
kaÁ KataskeyÓ aªt©n ®pÁ xårtoy.
MetÅ 69 sxhmåtvn ®n tˆ keim™nÛ
kaÁ LXVII pinåkvn t©n Ωnaptygmåtvn t©n Stere©n.
MikrÅ =Ekdosiq. |En |Au¸naiq 1916
(Xeirøgrafa biblºa dem™na mazº.
Bibliou¸kh |A. P. Xatzhpolåkh)
Maroysåkhq :
Paraskey˙ Maroysåkh, TØ Klåsma kaÁ ∏ Løgoq. \O Eªkleºdhq (b).
N™a Seirå. Tømoq IB, Te†xoq 4, Martºoy - |Aprilºoy 1979, ss. 150 - 151
Megålh \EllhnikÓ |Egkyklopaideºa Pa¥loy Drandåkh.
|Au∂nai. Tømoq 19, s. 316
N™a Megålh \EllhnikÓ |Egkyklopaideºa Xårh Påtsh.
|Au∂nai. Tømoq 25, s. 642
S¥gxronoq |Egkyklopaideºa |Eleyueroydåkh.
|Au∂nai. =Ekdosiq P™mpth. Tømoq 19, s. 279
Xatzhdåkhq :
Nikolåoy Xatzhdåkh, MauhmatikÓ Mnhmotexnºa.
Deltºon t∂q \Ellhnik∂q Mauhmatik∂q \Etaireºaq 5(1924) 81 - 82